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Release: DHR-006
HERDS "Spring" b/w "Katmai" 7" Single
400 Copies
Members of Charles Bronson, 14 or Fight, Get Rad, Kung Fu Rick, Seven Days of Samsara, The Bayonettes, Abort! Abort!, Threatener, and more.
"Herds stampede over emerald hills, shedding coats of Winter's burden. Spring builds from distant thunder to an absent, hoof-annihilated valley. Imprinted mud and the lasting smell of animal serve as the only indication of visit. Quick as they come, the beasts are gone. Spring itself is overtaken by an even greater rumbling. Katmai is a slow riffing mountain of a song. There is no freedom on this bursted volcano. The surrounding sky is dark, the air thick with ash, and the cool mud has been overrun by molten rock. The throngs of Spring find no solace on Katmai-- lungs clamp, eyes burn, and saliva runs hot with blackened sediment. The peace of Spring is voided by Katmai's leaking poisons. Like all things, green to gray, chaos to stillness, life to blistering death." - Roderick McClain
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Release: DHR-005
HATRED SURGE "Servant" b/w "Bestial" 7" Single
First Press: 500 Copies
Second Press: 400 Copies
"Animals commune around water. I drove past a lake once. Closeness to water grants privilege of tongue and opinion. On this lake were swans- magnificent moonlit creatures which were basking in the purest of night- the water beneath them full of hungry turtles, the water itself full of fertilizer. The woman driving saw the swans with me, and we talked about them. "They are making love," she said. "They are killing one another," I told her. We drove into the guard rail, penetrated the blackness beyond, and flipped into a wet pile of birds. And a lake." - Roderick McClain
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Release: DHR-004
MENTALLY CHALLENGED "Disappeared" b/w "Surveillance" 7" Single
300 Copies
"There is a dragon with two tin stomachs. He rents out each of these tins to bands for music practice. And there is a princess in the jaws of this dragon. The two tins of this dragon are occupied by identical versions of the same band, who, through drywall, are consistently pissed at one another. These bands are always playing the same two songs a second or two out of sync. Both bands are desperate for the princess to arrive in their respective stomach tins. The first song each of these bands play, Disappeared, is the anxiety of a person running from scenthounds, but set to music. Surveillance is a voyeuristic sympathy song for all of those folks running from scenthounds. As the aforementioned tune addresses- it's a slow riffing epic, and it grasps at the doorknob. Thing is, neither of these bands will enjoy the company of the princess. A princess is meant for a dragon to chew up and spit out. Why does not this band know?" - Roderick McClain

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Release: DHR-003
THREATENER "...And The Bending of Throats" 7"
Split Release with 625 Thrash & Pilot/Co-Pilot Records
500 Copies with Regular Cover
130 Copies with Limited Cover
"After a long series of experiments involving psychoactive substances, isolation chambers, and genetic regression, Threatener's third EP, "...and the Bending of Throats," emerges with ten songs of bone splintering hardcore in just over four and a half minutes. Features cover artwork by John Olson of Wolf Eyes and songs about primates, pills, and power tools. This final release is both visibly and audibly more distorted than the past two EPs and will leave you out of control and floating in total darkness." - Corey DiPietro
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Release: DHR-002
DRY-ROT "This Is A Forest" b/w "Lumber Yard" 7" Single
Featuring Mike Wardlaw & Brian Wallace
300 Copies
"Californian creep-core dudes Dry-Rot attack jazz with botanical precision on this Deer Healer Singles release. This Is A Forest indeed- and Side A features the pain-groans growing trees make in daylight, sounds previously exclusive to birds. All mouths save for the horn player are packed with seeds. Lumber Yard features the heavy death burps of a slaughtered batch of redwood- the birds have stopped listening- they have all drowned in fountains of Pepto-Bismol. Spent seeds clog the carpet in a room full of instruments which have learned to play themselves. There's a microphone crackling in the bottom of a baptismal pool filled with fresh sap. These songs will stab into your helmet like a green splinter in the night, and they will not relent until your memory is punctured. This band broadcasts nightmares via music. I never want to sleep again." - Roderick McClain
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Release: DHR-001
MUTATOR "I" Cassette Tape
200 Copies
"Harsh cross-country grinding spree as presented by current and ex-members of XBRAINIAX and THREATENER. This fearsome threesome churns out some of the most violent, ripped up, and angry jams I've heard in recent memory. Fans of imaginary beasts, wet dreams, and panic attacks are enouraged to invest in this disgusting mess of power." - Roderick McClain